The C0RE - Devlog #1

Welcome to my devlog for my first published indie game, The C0RE! The C0RE is a fast paced, score attack, arcade game. The game started out for a game jam. I did not have enough time to finish it. But I made a working prototype that I was proud with. The C0RE is about people looking for life. They go into a new solar system and get scans for life. But it's not the good type. They start shooting at you. You put your forcefield around the ship. But it doesn't fit the entire ship. It only fits half of the ship! You have one objective now. To Survive.  The game has power ups, 2 modes and a leaderboard system and a soundtrack with 7 songs.  The leaderboard system isn't based on the time you survived. It's the amount of points you got. You can get 10 points every second and 5 points if you deflect a shield. You can also get 100 points if you get one of the green power-ups. The game has other cool power-ups too. I made health power up if you lose one of your hearts and a invincibility power-up. Since the speed of the bullets go up pretty fast when you are around 10,000 points the game gets really hard. That's why I plan on adding a power up that slows down time. The game has an easy mode and a hard mode. In easy mode you have 5 hearts and in hard you have 3 hearts and the bullets go faster. The game was a fun project to make. I put it on a couple of feedback game jams, and the game did pretty good on them. I got a lot of good comments and a lot of people enjoyed the game! The game also is rated of an average of 5 stars! I think the game did pretty good, considering it's only the first version and I did not do any advertising for the game. The game is not close to being done and I still have a lot of more plans. I will talk more about those plans in Devlog #2. Go check out and rate my game and tell me if you liked it! Thanks for reading this Devlog!


The_C0re 1.3 100 MB
67 days ago
The_C0re 1.4 107 MB
60 days ago
The_C0re 1.4 88 MB
60 days ago

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